What risks can a keyholder expect

What risks can a keyholder expect?

Considerations for a keyholder

What Can a Keyholder Expect

  • Are you able to respond 24/7, in the middle of the night if necessary?
  • How will this impact your family life if often you are waking up partners?
  • You are out on a Saturday night, have you got the keys and how will you get to site?
  • What are you walking into?  Have you been trained to deal with all eventualities?
  • What will you do if there is someone inside the premises?
  • How will being stuck on a site all night impact your productivity the next day?
  • How will you remember to keep your monitoring company abreast of any changes to your contact details and availability?
  • What happens when you go on holiday?

Keyholders may be at risk when responding to alarms

Some interesting statistics below;

Licensed SIA Patrol Officers

  • –        There were 447, 207 recorded burglaries in England and Wales alone according to the Crime Survey for England and Wales published in January 2014
  •  There were an estimated 610,000 domestic burglary incidents alone
  •  There was also a 1% increase in violence against the person offences recorded by the police
  • In the Commercial Victimisation Survey, thefts were experienced by around one in five commercial premises (20%)
  • Over 5% of all intruder alarm activations are not false alarms, meaning key holders are walking into potentially very serious incidents
  • Most intruder alarm activations are false alarms and occur during unsociable hours (meaning your most valuable resource’s (i.e. staff’s) time is being wasted when responding in the middle of the night)

Don’t forget to enquire about our Keyholding services
