Why use a keyholding service?

Why use a professional keyholding and alarm response service?

False Alarms

Why use a keyholding companyThe vast majority of a business’s intruder activations are false alarms. Not only is it inconvenient for staff to be called outside of working hours to attend site for a false alarm, but it effects the business as a whole in regards to productivity for the next day.  We have found that a business’s key holders are always key members of staff and, as such, the cost to a business in financial and human terms can be vast when relying on staff to respond to intruder alarm activations

Response time

Not all businesses are lucky enough to have staff that live locally that shall be able to attend site within 20 minutes as per the APCO policy on police response to alarm activations

Health and Safety

Security patrol cars keeping the public safeRecent major health and safety policy from HSE in regards to lone workers have a major impact in regards to key holding arrangements. Part of the policy clearly dictates “Lone workers should not be at more risk than other employees”. When a member of staff attends site responding to an alarm activation, arrangements need to be put in place to check on the welfare of this staff member at regular intervals


On April 6 2008 the Corporate Manslaughter Act came into effect. It is integral now more than ever that arrangements are made in regards to key holding and the protection of staff when attending site


All sites should have a minimum of two key holders registered. A nominated key holder must be able to attend all alarm activations and must be contactable on a 24 hour basis. They should also have an understanding of the basic workings of the alarm system and know all contact details and contract numbers when dealing with their Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

Want to find out more about our key holding services?

Read an article on the top reasons to hire professional security services.
